Exactly a year ago, in the spring of 2021, I was sitting in the lap of Himalayas in my second home of Mukteshwar. It was also just around the time when Covid-19 virus decided to mutate to its most ferocious form called Delta, and started to devastate our fragile ecosystem. I started a science backed philosophical exercise to ponder over creation and origin of life from a particle to us Humans. Following, is Part 2 of this continual philosophical discovery process, where as a Scientist, I have tried to draw parallels between science and spirituality from the beginning of time.

The following essay is a personal interpretation and hypothesis of the continuous cosmic creative process that spans the Universe. This is my perception of creative and evolution process understood through the lens of laws of Physics and all sciences developed by and known to humankind through previously peer reviewed, universally accepted principles. Free Thinking.

The String of Life.

String theory proponents believe that at the core of it all is this highly mobile particle that vibrates in no particular pattern but follows a highly chaotic path forming strings. The movement of these particles creates vibrations, which also define the mass and charge of that particle.

There is beauty in Chaos when we look at the most fundamental origin of life, a Particle. Carefree, full of energy, mass and charge vibrating away in no fixed path. But from this fundamental chaos emerged the most organized

Quarks, as they are known are still the smallest particle known to mankind as some say somewhat controversially. Most of us in school could only learn up to Protons, electrons and neutrons, but now thanks to tiring efforts by particle physicists we know that each proton (p), neutron (n) and electron (e)contains 3 quarks each.

Three quarks make up a proton, electron and neutron each.

Evolution of Quarks to Atom, Tether of Life.

There must have been a desire or some force that drove quarks to eventually form the three fundamental particles, p,n and e. Forces then allowed the creation of the simplest atom was made of a nucleus with 1 proton and an electron circling it like how earth circles around the sun.

How moon circles around the earth and so on. The tether that we all need in our lives, parents, lover, siblings, friends, is the most fundamental force of all creation. Without a tether, we lose our bearings and we may wander aimlessly, expending our energies in futility. Then they find a sage for direction-a tether eventually. Same applies to electrons that don't have a tether in Nucleus. They will not survive.

This parallel between the meta, all of us looking to god or other spiritual connections to micro, electron looking to orbit the nucleus, earth around sun, is the most powerful force, and is mystically called ‘Love’. From the prophets to the mystics, everyone has interpreted this fundamental force that holds one to another as love, but at atomic level it is the vibrational force fields including Gravity, charge, mass together as the Tether.

Hydrogen and Energy

An ode to this first simplest atom. 1 Proton and 1 electron 0 neutron. It is creation’s summary. Scientists claim that Hydrogen element was formed 570 second after the big bang followed by cooling of the atomic primordial soup allowed the rapid evolution of various other elements there after. How a simple atom then desired to expand to allow more electrons in its shells to create higher mass and charge elements is a representation of how at the meta level humankind also has the in built desire to grow to expand. This fundamental force called fission is the proof of how there is constant increase in energy in real-time that allows creation. This never ending force termed as ‘Energy’ by scientists and mystics alike is what drives the universe. Without energy there is death. A phase where the source of energy, a particle, atom, element, stars or human loses its ability to generate energy and grow/live. At meta level, as we all know its an idiom now, you stop growing you stop living.

This continual growth process- Fission created a explosion of various elements forming. As still unknown, there may be millions of elements unobservable to mankind as many did not survive for long. The elements we learned in school in our periodic tables, are a testament to the chemical ‘Survival of the fittest’. 118. As Darwin found out how we live to survive in this continual evolutionary process-survival of the fittest. The last 4 billion years of life on earth are a clear show of how evolution is driven by constant need for growth and change. Why couldn't earth sustain an infinite period of Jurassic or aah even best HumanKind :) It has to resonate with the rest of the universe that is growing expanding via high energy processes.

Energy. Chaotic, dynamic yet directional.

Matter- The Hardware

In the ‘Primordial Soup’ era, driven by millions or perhaps billions of years of permutation and combinations of Elements further interacting with other elements and creating matter like gases, rock, universe started to expand in gasses and rocks. This maturing of the elemental matter allowed the creation of the universe as stars, planets, suns etc. Temperature and pressure played a major role in the selective creation of certain alloys, mineral, rocks. Gasses were these infernos, the firestarters for Stars. This ‘taking shape’ phase allowed creation of the ‘Core’. Like how Iron and its alloys form such a major part of Earth’s core. At meta level, when we find someone with solid core principals we have admiration tending to this spiritual desire to always walk the right path, assist in the creative process versus being destructive. This desire to have a strong core as the foundation of all creative processes is the reason how there will always be a constant flame burning, a desire for any object in the universe to create, grow and thrive until it gasses out, lytirally.

Primordial Soup: A cocktail of elements, gasses, rocks, particles and every ingredient that created the cosmos: Stars, Planets.

Spiritual-The Software

Spiritual Era started when there was enough element, matter and conditions that led to a desire to have some control on growth versus expanding numbly into a large dead space of gas and matter. Like a dead star or an asteroid. There arose the need for life. An ‘Organic’ process that involved what Scientists have termed organic matter elements of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen and some other elements as well. This core collection of key elements led to the creation of the basic building blocks of natural life known on planet earth. This spiritual ‘direction finding’ perhaps led to the discovery of the term ‘memory’. The ability to remember previous data to allow you to move and grow. The combination of these 4 organics created amino acids in that primordial soup. When amino acids started realizing(memory) that they can bind together they gave us peptides followed by proteins. The permutation and combinations of the 20 natural amino acids known gave rise to all the lego blocks to construct a protein. It took millions of years of natural design to give us a library of proteins that started to do something extraordinary-create first life.

Lego Structure of Hemoglobin Protein

Protein to Enzyme: Lets make ’em smarter

Proteins started binding to other smaller organic molecules. But the binding was not enough. There was a primordial need to create-by modifying-changing whatever proteins bind to. Enzymes.

Enzymes, the bio factories, started combining liquid, gas and matter into new life and new products. The beginning of diversity.

Enzymes carry out all major biological processes in our bodies. From how we look to how we feel after meals is a game of biochemical tomb raider-nature’s first machine. Enzymes could easily modify organic molecules to create new organic molecules. This process allowed further enrichment of the primordial soup with millions of organic molecules created by these chain of amino acids. Then came the need for more memory and processing power to create life at a rapid rate.

Enter RNA: Strand of Life

When Adenine was formed by the mixture of Hydrogen cyanide and Ammonia, it marked the beginning of the creation of the most 4 letter code of life ATGC. Adenine, Thiamine, Guanine, Cytosine. The building blocks of RNA and DNA. The first strand of RNA was stitched by iterations of ATGC linking with each other giving life’s first memory chip-The RNA. But memory is not enough, Proteins and Enzymes started binding to the RNA and creating more proteins and recording data of all events happening in the primordial soup. Just like in life, how hardships, failures, pressure create diamonds, and strong souls, similarly over many iterations of life and death, the RNA became stable.

A Bead of RNA made up of ATGC in Red, Yellow, Green and White.

The affinity between two strands of RNA was an evolutionary need to create a back up and most importantly and higher, complex system that give to modern day biology. With DNA, more information could be stored and the interactio with proteins and enzyme created a system of environmentally influenced production. Then arose the need to preserve this DNA as when exposed it must have evolved through life and death cycle to achieve some stability. A protective layer was needed around this precious piece of hardware. Enter Cell.

The Tree of DNA that gave birth to modern day complex life.

Cell: The Atom of Meta Life

Cell is like an atom, it is self sufficient, produces its own energy and creates more diversity. When lipids- molecules that give Fat its shape, started coming together, a highly impermeable wall got created around the DNA giving it a capsule look. Proteins and Enzymes could squeeze through by creating their structures to be lipid friendly on the outside. Over millions of years the perfect cell came to existence with well protected DNA, Perfect armory of organic, inorganic molecules, lipids, sugar and ATP-the energy powerhouse of all cells.

The splitting of a cell via RNA reading all codes of the DNA and then coming together to create another strand-a copy of the DNA. This was the beginning of the process of creation of life on planet earth. As with every phase of creative evolution, this phase was also marked into creating of other daughter cells that would create new cells and the diversity of life grew from single cell species to mammals. From energy packed in a single Hydrogen atom to now millions of such energy packed atoms in the cell- The cell became the core of matter. The firehouse.

Single Human cell with the nucleus in blue.

Humans and The Birth of Consciousness

The intense diversity in cellular replication eventually reached a stage where mammals like Monkeys started to grow beyond their basic desires of eat, procreate and survive. A higher level desire start to set in- Birth of Consciousness-Understanding the purpose of life. This created the mind-an ethereal realm of energy and vibrations that aligned with the vibrations of the universe and the nature around. This event allowed the early humans to start to understand the world around them. Every action was interpreted and the beauty of memory getting stored in the DNA and the ethereal mind. Survival, procreation, instincts, emotions started to get stored as memory as action-reaction messages. If i do this, i get this, i feel this. If not getting scare of fire but making sure I don't put my hand in it became the first recorded message of safety in early humans-it market the basic instinct of protection, defense. The emotions of fear, hunger, defense, surprise, sadness started to come in as this continuous self awareness journey went on for the early humans. Every action had a reaction and an associated emotion. This child like discovery of self and nature, universe around laid the foundation for spiritual connection and reasoning.

It is well known that early humans who created a safe haven, and food security for their family started to get more time to use their newly born and budding conscious and subconscious mind to start to become smarter of the species. Their ability to use atomic, cosmic memory with millions of years of cellular memory of fundamental survival allowed them to start complex thinking. The discovery of basic and routine human events of thinking, speaking, loving, eating, pro creating created a beautiful flow in human bodies in the form of Chakras-as known in yogic sciences.

The Five Chakras or energy centers known to human kind via yogic sciences and some scientific studies as well

Human physiology shows how the brain is connected to the heart and stomach. Thoughts dont serve you well affect you in the heart then mess up with your digestive system- we all have experienced this at some point in our lives. This beautiful interplay of mind-matter is the genesis of how humans think and live. These are fundamental parts of human bodies that drive survival. If you cant think you perish, if you can not communicate and can not love you can not pro create and grow in life, if you dont eat your system shuts down and if you dont pro-create your DNA doesnt survive. This beautiful co-creation of practice and realization of core centers or Chakras that are critical to function in tandem for a balanced human life took centre stage in human realization. At the atomic and cellular level, more energy needs started to arise in these key 5 centres. Over time these higher energy centres in human body connected via a flow of electric pulses, vibrations and blood flow to ensure balanced human living. Practice of Yoga allow the entire human body to twist, turn and bend to allow the best flow of energy, impulses and blood supply. When coupled with breathing the mind engages with body and a union is formed where all five chakras or energy centres pulsate with same vibrational frequency as that of the universe.


From a Quark to a trillion cells resonating in some brilliantly conducted orchestra, how we humans interpret this reality is fascinating to say the least. How can something so unobservable and so miniscule create what we are a part of- The Grand Plan.

In the next part I will delve deeper into cosmic downloads and scientific interpretation of manifestation. Both marking the next level in human evolution.



Aman Iqbal

Aman is a technology entrepreneur is passionate about the role of data in automating various industries.